MEG と BOLD 信号の線型コンボリューション・モデルを用いた統合

A novel method for integrating MEG and BOLD fMRI signals with the linear convolution model in human primary somatosensory cortex.

Nangini C, Tam F, Graham SJ.

Hum Brain Mapp. 2008 Jan;29(1):97-106.

Characterizing the neurovascular coupling between hemodynamic signals and their neural origins is crucial to functional neuroimaging research, even more so as new methods become available for integrating results from different functional neuroimaging modalities. We present a novel method to relate magnetoencephalography (MEG) and BOLD fMRI data from primary somatosensory cortex within the context of the linear convolution model. This model, which relates neural activity to BOLD signal change, has been widely used to predict BOLD signals but typically lacks experimentally derived measurements of neural activity. In this study, an fMRI experiment is performed using variable-duration (